Considering that Hercules is the star of one of the best books that Marvel has out right now, I decided to finally read this little 80's trade in the interim. Fun, silly, probably forgettable, but great while it's going.
Essentially, Zeus sends Hercules into space (to learn humility or something, it really doesn't matter) and everyone's favorite drunk demi-god flies around with a new robot sidekick, beating up aliens, getting plastered, and boning everything that's vaguely female. What's great about this is that the Marvel Universe version of Hercules has always been much closer to the actual Hercules of myth (sans a desire for young boy flesh) than most pop culture versions, in that he's not too bright and really never thinks before he punches/screws. It's nothing like the great depth and more nuanced humor being brought to the current Incredible Hercules comic (which is sooooo damn good) but it IS Hercules fighting aliens (and Galactus!) and a hell of a lot of fun.