24 Following

Uncertain, Fugitive, Half-fabulous

Stories about people. People who must ponder the implications of their laser gun swords.

Currently reading

Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond
Bill Campbell, Edward Austin Hall
Deathstalker War (Owen Deathstalker, Vol. 3)
Simon R. Green
Jews Without Money
Michael Gold

Dan DeCarlo's Jetta

Dan DeCarlo's Jetta - Dan DeCarlo I'm just so happy this exists. It's such a strange thing -- not a good one, exactly, but strange and hilarious. There were so few issues that the book has to be padded out with pinups by newer artists. Most of these are good, a few are a bit too... salivating, for such a ridiculous character. Nonetheless, a good time if you like weird corny shit. Someone should reinvent Jetta as the heroine of an epic space opera.