24 Following

Uncertain, Fugitive, Half-fabulous

Stories about people. People who must ponder the implications of their laser gun swords.

Currently reading

Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond
Bill Campbell, Edward Austin Hall
Deathstalker War (Owen Deathstalker, Vol. 3)
Simon R. Green
Jews Without Money
Michael Gold
The Stars Blue Yonder - Sandra McDonald I had just finished a final and I needed something fun for the subway ride home, now that, with semester's end, I can read for fun again. Grabbed this randomly, largely because it was one of the only sci-fi books on the store's bargain shelf that didn't seem to be part of a series. I read about 40 pages before reading online that it's the third in a trilogy. Got halfway before that fact started to really work against my enjoyment (the first section worked great on its own). Gave up for something less tethered to other things. So no rating.